CBM Australia (2023)
Gender Equality and Disability Equity
This paper summarises key contexts related to women with disabilities, at a time when DFAT is developing strategies for both gender equality and disability equity. It draws from CBM’s submissions to the International Gender Equality Strategy development process and includes a series of case studies, and a summary of key recommendations.
UN Women (2023)
Gender- and disability-inclusive budgeting: Issues and policy options
This policy brief identifies emerging trends and practices on gender- and disability-inclusive budgeting. These include, among others:
collection, analysis, and use of data and statistics on intersectional discrimination; integration of gender and disability inclusion in laws, policies, systems, and institutional practice; integration of gender and disability inclusion in the planning and budgeting cycle; and; enhanced participation of women with disabilities in policy, planning, and budgeting.
World Bank (2023)
Including Women and Girls with Disabilities in World Bank Operations
This resource is a toolkit that helps to inform how to design disability and gender-inclusive programs. Whilst developed primarily for World Bank staff, the information can benefit a range of international development actors from various thematic sectors (e.g., WASH, education, social protection, GBV, health, digital access and information technology, transport, DRR). The toolkit can support staff to embed disability inclusion throughout the project cycle, and uses thought-provoking questions and checklists to support inclusive action and M&E processes.
World Federation of the Deaf (2022)
Barriers to Healthcare Access for Deaf Nigerian Women and Girls during Emergencies
This document seeks to address the intersection of being deaf and being a woman when facing emergency and disaster situations and requesting healthcare services. This report presents preliminary research on the experiences faced in health care by deaf women and girls in Nigeria, highlighting the most recent emergency and disaster situation, the Covid-19 pandemic. The report presents recommendations to reduce the inequities in the intersection of gender, disability, and linguistic minorities.
CBM (2019)
CBM Disability & Gender Toolkit
The Disability and Gender Analysis toolkit is designed to help CBM and partners ‘walk the talk’ on disability and gender equality. It aims to assist with gender and disability analysis. It aims to help CBM staff and partners improve the quality of their approach and ways of working, and uphold our commitment to equality and non-discrimination in all that we do. This practical set of tools tool is designed to strengthen our accountability, or organisational learning and reflection, the quality of program implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and organisational performance.
Plan International (2017)
Let Me Decide and Thrive
This report calls for all children with disabilities to be provided comprehensive sexuality education so they can make conscious choices about relationships and sexuality. It also calls for governments to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that prevent girls from accessing the services and information they need about sexual and reproductive health.
CBM (2016)
The 3P’s for inclusion of women with disabilities The Personal, The Political, The Policy
This resource, written from the perspective of women with disabilities, provides insight into the barriers women with disabilities face as well as clear recommendations for policy-makers and program managers to strengthen inclusion of women with disabilities at the personal, political and policy level.
At the personal level this means supporting efforts to develop leadership for women with disabilities. Whilst at the political level the voices of women with disabilities are beginning to be heard through initiatives such as ‘Making it Work’ and ‘Women Enabled’, more needs to be done to develop joint disability and gender advocacy alliances. Finally ensure at the policy level that mainstream, gender specific and disability specific development policies and programmes are inclusive of women, men, girls and boys with disabilities.
CBM Australia (2018)
Leave No One Behind: Gender equality, disability inclusion and leadership for sustainable development
The report highlights the discrimination that exists at the intersection of gender, disability and poverty and how this affects women and girls with disabilities in accessing employment, education, and health care. The report outlines key statistics such as - In developing countries 58.6% of men with disabilities access employment opportunities compared with only 20.1% of women with disabilities. -Women and girls with disabilities are two to three times more likely to experience physical or sexual violence than women without disabilities. -In 2014, only 1.5% per cent of specific funding for women’s and girls’ rights focused on women and girls with disabilities. The report includes recommendations such as -Considering the intersectionality of disability and gender in program cycles. –Earmarking budgets for disability inclusion. –Ensuring that M&E includes women and girls with disabilities.
Plan International (2017)
Let Me Decide and Thrive: Global Discrimination and Exclusion of Women and Girls with Disabilities
This policy brief outlines findings of research into the violations of the sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls with disabilities around the world. It outlines key barriers that contribute to the violation of rights and good practices in inclusion that can be built on. The report demonstrates how sexual and reproductive health rights are linked to the experience of violence and lack of agency for many women with disabilities. It also includes recommendations to tackle the systematic exclusion of women and girls with disabilities to help ensure their sexual and reproductive health rights are realised.
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2016)
General Comment No 3 - Article 6: Women and girls with disabilities (Adopted 26 August 2016)
This General Comment sets out the views of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) regarding the implementation of Article 6 of the CRPD (Women and Girls with Disabilities). It is a very useful primer to assist programs to identify the common barriers which create situations of multiple and intersecting discrimination against women and girls with disabilities across many areas of life. It outlines different types of and makes recommendations to States to address these. This General Comment is of potential use to donors and implementing partners to identify and address barriers across all sectors and assist development of national and local responses, particularly to address concerns around violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights and discrimination.
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CBM Australia (2012)
Inclusion made easy: A quick program guide to disability in development- Part B: Women with disabilities
This guide is primarily designed for use at the programming level, for organisations to address mainstreaming of disability into development programs. It provides practical guidance on how to ensure women and girls with disabilities are included in international development programs. (Note: Part A of this resource provides an overview of disability inclusive development principles).
CBM Australia (2012)
Indepth: Women, double the challenges (Video)
This two minute video clip presented by Stella Young, a well known Australian disability advocate, explains the relationship between being a woman, having a disability and living in poverty. It highlights the gendered discrimination that results from this. The video could be used to introduce the specific issues that women with disabilities face, but would need to be supplemented with additional resources to support key messages. Note that the accompanying fact sheet predates the WHO and World Bank World report on disability, and therefore under-represents global statistics on disability prevalence.
Humanity & Inclusion
Source: Key list resources on gender and disability
This key list presents information about gender and disability. Resources featured include key policy and rights documents, reports and country studies that highlight the situation of women with disabilities and gender-related development initiatives. This key list has a number of practical resources that programmers and implementers could use when working to address inclusion of women with disabilities. Information relating to sexual health and violence issues is also available.
Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs; United Nations Population Fund; Wellesley Centers for Women (2008)
Disability rights, gender, and development: A Resource tool for action
This resource handbook was developed with women with disabilities from 42 countries, and aims to build greater understanding of the intersections of disability rights and gender in rights based approaches to development. It provides case studies, highlights good practices and tools. It also makes recommendations for implementing gender and disability sensitive laws, policy and development initiatives. This resource would assist government agencies, program officers, civil society organisations and academic institutions to develop new legislation, policies or program initiatives that advance the realisation of rights of women and girls with disabilities.
International Disability Alliance (2013)
Submission to the CRPD Committee’s General Discussion on women and girls with disabilities 17 April 2013, 9th session
This submission focuses on the intersection of disability and gender, and examines specific issues that relate to women and girls with disabilities such as access to justice, sexual and reproductive health and violence. It provides an overview of the specific discrimination that women and girls with disabilities face and provides recommendations which may inform policy and programming.