UNPRPD (2024) Guidance Note on Meaningful Participation of Marginalized and Underrepresented Persons with Disabilities
This resource serves as a comprehensive roadmap for how programs can outreach to and engage with OPDs representing marginalized and underrepresented persons with disabilities ensuring accessible and inclusive engagement processes and decision-making mechanisms.
CBM-Nossal (2024) Disability Equity and Rights Essay: Meaningful rights-based engagement with Organisations of People with Disabilities
This ‘Disability equity and rights: Challenges, opportunities, and ways forward for inclusive development’ publication was prepared under the DFAT – CBM Inclusion Advisory Group Disability Inclusion Technical Partnership, an Australian aid initiative implemented by CBM Inclusion Advisory Group and the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne.
UNICEF (2022) Budgeting and mobilizing resources for disability inclusion in humanitarian actions
This resource is a short guide to support humanitarian programs and responses to ensure disability inclusion is adequately budgeted and resourced for.
UNICEF (2023) How to get started on disability inclusion in humanitarian action
This short guide outlines basic steps on how to get started on disability inclusion in a humanitarian context for disability focal points, emergency focal points, and staff engaged in humanitarian coordination.
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2016) Report on the rights of persons with disabilities to participate in decision-making
This report by the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities calls for necessity of strong participation mechanisms to facilitate better policies and services, and more effective governance for people with disabilities.
International Disability Alliance (2022) Not just ticking the disability box? Meaningful OPD participation and the risk of tokenism
This report presents findings from the second IDA Global Survey on the Participation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). The key findings from the Survey reveal that increased participation of OPDs has not resulted in meaningful participation.
Inclusion International and Down Syndrome International (2022) Listen Include Respect: How-to guides on including people with intellectual disabilities
The guidelines formed by Inclusion International and Down Syndrome International explain how organisations can make their work more inclusive.
UNCRPD Committee (2018) General Comment on Participation of persons with disabilities through their representative organisations in the implementation and monitoring of the Convention
This legal guidance, issued as General Comment No. 7, upholds the right of all persons with disabilities to participate and be involved in all issues relating to them.
United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy (2021) Consulting Persons with Disabilities: Guidelines
These Guidelines provide practical guidance on how to consult people with disabilities and their representative organisations (OPDs) in all disability-specific and general decision-making processes across the UN’s work.
UNDP (2018) Disability Inclusive Development: Guidance and Entry Points
This guide discusses the importance of, and provides entry points for including people with disabilities in development efforts.
UNDESA (2024) Disability and Development Report 2024: Accelerating the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals by, for and with persons with disabilities
This report provides a snapshot of the current situation of people with disabilities across the world.
UN Special Rapporteur on Disability (2016) Report on disability-inclusive policies
This report explains the economic case for disability-inclusive policies, and provides evidence on the cost that comes with excluding people with disabilities from development.
UN Special Rapporteur on Disability (2020) Report on disability-inclusive international cooperation
This report examines the importance of international cooperation to support the implementation of the rights of people with disabilities.
United Nations (2007) – Easy Read UN CRPD
This is an Easy Read resource to understand what the United Nations CRPD is. It uses simple English with pictures to understand how the CRPD upholds rights for people with disabilities.
Handicap International (2010) Understanding The UN Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities
This manual is a tool for explaining the content of the CRPD and provides detailed information on what occurred during the negotiation and drafting process.
Disability Rights Fund (2011) Beyond charity: A donor’s guide to inclusion. Disability funding in the era of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
This resource provides guidance to donors on promoting disability rights through international cooperation from a human rights perspective, based on the UNCRPD.
CBM Global (2022) Engaging with organisations of persons with disabilities in humanitarian response
This brief captures CBM Global's learnings from engaging with OPDs in humanitarian response during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CBM Global (2023) Strengthening the voice of Organizations of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities
This resource seeks to document and share CBM Global's learnings about OPD strengthening for people with psychosocial disabilities and mental health conditions.
UNICEF (2022) Engaging with Organisations of Persons with Disabilities in humanitarian action
This tipsheet highlights the importance of involving organisations and informal groups of people with disabilities in humanitarian efforts, as outlined in the IASC Guidelines on 'Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action'.
CBM Global IAG & Humanitarian Advisory Group (2022) Organisations of Persons with Disabilities: Making a Difference in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands
This report explores the roles and impact of OPDs in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands, and identifies key challenges and enablers constraining and supporting OPDs’ contributions to the disaster preparedness and response sector.
UNPRPD (2024) Guidance Note on Effective and Meaningful Participation of Persons with Disabilities through their representative organizations in UNPRPD Joint programming
This resource provides practical guidance on how to identify and engage Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), including understanding the diversity and structure of the disability movement.
Humanitarian Advisory Group (2023) Giving Rise to Rights: Barriers & Enablers to Participation of Persons with Disability in PNG
This study explores the barriers and enablers related to disability inclusion in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) (2021) PWDA Language Guide: A guide to language about disability
This guide has been written by people with disability to assist the Australian general public and media outlets in talking about and reporting on disability.
United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy (2022) Disability-Inclusive Communications Guidelines
The guidelines provide practical information on how to include and represent people with disabilities in communications, and how to make communications inclusive of and accessible to people with disabilities.

DFAT (2021) Good Practice Note: Disability Inclusion in the DFAT Development Program
This Guidance Note outlines DFAT's suggested approach to disability-inclusive development.
CBM Global (2017) Disability Inclusive Development Toolkit
This toolkit provides a comprehensive introduction to disability inclusion.
CBM International (2022) What Is Disability
This resource provides a summary of what 'disability' is, and how the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) frames disability.