Climate change and the environment

The impacts of climate change and environmental degradation disproportionately affect people with disabilities, exacerbating existing risks and creating new challenges as a result of a changing environment. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and pollution can significantly impact the health of people with disabilities, who may have pre-existing health conditions or mobility limitations.

Moreover, inaccessible infrastructure and inadequate support systems can hinder their ability to adapt to a changing environment and participate in sustainable agricultural practices. For example, the effects of diminished soil fertility or the need to relocate due to climate displacement impacts people with disabilities more significantly due to the increased distances and additional time required to access the relocated area, as well as physical accessibility challenges.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), particularly Article 9 (accessibility) and Article 28 (an adequate standard of living and social protection) highlight the importance of environmental accessibility and the rights of people with disabilities to live in safe and sustainable communities. It is important that climate action and environmental policies are inclusive, ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to information, resources, and opportunities to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change, as they experience heightened climate risks.

Resources in this section and the relevant sub-sections include evidence and guidance to understand how to address the heightened climate risks experienced by people with disabilities, and how to make climate and environmental programs more inclusive.



World Vision Australia (2024) Growing Disability Inclusiveness in Agriculture- Guidance Note

This guidance note provides ideas, tips and examples that focus on how to improve disability inclusion in the agriculture production end of the agrifood system.

The Cambodian Disabled Peoples Organisation (2011) Good practices in inclusive agricultural skill training for persons with disabilities

This report shares good practices in inclusive agricultural skill training for people with disabilities, based on findings from a project in Cambodia called 'Making It Work'.

PRISMA & Pusat Rehabilitasi YAKKUM (2024) Accessibility Guidelines in Agriculture

This guideline on achieving accessibility in the agriculture sector was developed to support the private sector and international development actors to increase the participation of people with disabilities in agriculture.

Inclusive Futures (2023) Disability inclusion in climate justice frameworks and environmental and climate risk assessment processes

This rapid review explores how disability inclusion is integrated into climate justice frameworks and environmental and climate risk assessment processes.

Plan International Indonesia & ISF-UTS (2020) Climate Change Response for Inclusive WASH: A guidance note for Plan International Indonesia

This guidance note outlines how to encourage stakeholders to consider how people from marginalised groups, including women and people with disabilities, are affected differently by climate impacts on WASH.

Water For Women (2021) Making the Critical Connections between Climate Resilience and Inclusive WASH: Lessons from Water for Women

This report features 12 case studies from Water for Women partners working on projects in the Asia-Pacific that are helping to build climate resilience through inclusive and sustainable WASH programs and research.

Megaw,T, Gero,A & Kohlitz, J (2022) “Nothing about us, without us!”: Disability inclusion in community-based climate resilient programs. A case study of Indonesia

This resource highlights the importance of, and how to achieve meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities within climate change programs and WASH services.

Pacific Disability Forum (2022) Disability and Climate Change in the Pacific: Findings from Kiribati, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu

This report highlights the impact of climate change on people with disabilities in Pacific island nations.

IDA & Disability Inclusive Climate Action Research Program (2022) Disability Rights in National Climate Policies

This report provides an analysis of how States are recognising people with disabilities and their rights in national climate policies. It provides recommendations for enhancing disability inclusion in national climate policy-making.

CBM Global (2023) Climate Advocacy Roadmap

This resource was developed by CBM Global to emphasises the importance of disability inclusion in climate justice.

Global Action on Disability (GLAD) Network (2021) Promoting Disability-Inclusive Climate Change Action

This report shares the findings and recommendations on the intersection of climate change and disability inclusion, from surveying the Global Action on Disability (GLAD)'s Network, guided by the disability-inclusive climate action working group.

IDA (2023) The Impact of Climate Change on Indigenous Peoples with Disabilities in Baringo County, Kenya.

This report summarises key findings on the impact of climate change on indigenous people with disabilities in Baringo County, Kenya.

CBM Global (2022) The impact of climate change: From people with disabilities in the places we work

This document captures the perspectives of people with disabilities who have been affected by climate change, and documents how CBM Global is responding and contributing to inclusive climate action.

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