Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

The United Nations General Assembly explicitly recognised access to safe drinking water and sanitation as a human right, and acknowledged the essential nature of water and sanitation to the realisation of all human rights in 2010. Whilst development gains made are progressing WASH access around the world, many people with disabilities remain excluded from accessing WASH services. This is for reasons including: inadequate placement of WASH infrastructure, inaccessible toilets and water supplies, exclusion from community hygiene awareness activities, and stigma and discrimination that prevents people with disabilities from participating or accessing WASH services.

The inclusion of people with disabilities in WASH programs typically requires only minor modifications, and when built into program design from the onset, represents minimal additional costs. Improved accessibility of WASH infrastructure also benefits other members of the community, such as children, frail older people, pregnant women, and people who are ill or temporarily injured.

Resources in this section include evidence, case studies, and recommendations to achieve inclusive WASH programs and services.

Wilbur, & & Morrison, C (2023) Adapting menstrual health interventions for people with intellectual disabilities in emergencies

This issue will interest practitioners working in menstrual health for people with and without disabilities in the development or humanitarian context.

WaterAid Australia (2022) Huggett, C., & Munro, A.K., (2022) Period poverty in the Pacific: Exploring opportunities and barriers to progress menstrual health

This report looks at the current state of menstrual health across the Pacific region, and presents key findings and recommendations to progress it.

World Bank (2017) Including persons with disabilities in water sector operations: a guidance note

The note collates recommended strategies and practices in disability-inclusive development programming.

Wahid S et. al (2024) Gender equality, disability and social inclusion in water modelling

Sustainable water management can benefit from Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) concepts.

FAO (2023) Applying gender equality, disability, and social inclusion principles in agricultural water resources management

Water resources management, although rooted in technical disciplines such engineering, science, data management, modelling, and hydroeconomics, is fundamentally a realm of social and political interactions.

UN Africa Renewal (2023) Inclusive water systems for persons with disabilities are integral for achieving SDGs

Water viability is an engine of sustainable development for environmental social safeguards and governance. Ensuring its availability for everyone is imperative.

Hanley et al (2017) Planning for inclusion: exploring access to WASH for women and men with disabilities in Jaffna District, Sri Lanka

Findings from two studies are presented, which highlight the complex and interacting barriers faced by people with disabilities in accessing WASH facilities and the impact this has on their lives.

IDA (2010) Statement on the right of people with disabilities to water and sanitation

The right to water and sanitation is inextricably linked to the rights to live in the community, the right to accessibility, and the rights to life, health, adequate standard of living and social protection, which are all contained in the CRPD.

Megaw,T, Gero,A & Kohlitz, J (2022) “Nothing about us, without us!”: Disability inclusion in community-based climate resilient programs. A case study of Indonesia

This resource highlights the importance of, and how to achieve meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities within climate change programs and WASH services.

Human Rights Watch (2017) Going to the Toilet When You Want: Sanitation as a Human Right

This report provides a wide range of examples which highlight the additional discrimination faced by people with disabilities accessing sanitation in a range of settings, particularly how this may impact and effect women and girls with disabilities.

WaterAid Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion within water, sanitation and hygiene

The paper is intended as a conversation starter for WASH program managers and other development practitioners looking to strengthen their conceptual and practical understanding of challenges and successes in integrating gender and disability in WASH.

Coultas, M. and Iyer, R. with Myers, J. (2020) Handwashing Compendium for Low Resource Settings: A Living Document

This compendium from the Sanitation Learning Hub at the Institute of Development Studies aims to inform the design of handwashing facilities and hygiene promotion activities, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

World Vision Vanuatu & London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (2020) Water, Women and Disability study in Vanuatu

This Water, Women and Disability study, the baseline study for the Laetem Dak Kona (LDK) Project, aimed to complete a comprehensive mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) population-based study of disability in TORBA and SANMA Provinces.

UNICEF (2021) Menstrual Health & Hygiene for Girls and Women with Disabilities

This tip sheet offers a framework for supporting menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) and practical entry points for meeting the needs of menstruators with disabilities

Water for Women (2022) Partnerships for Transformation: Guidance for WASH and Rights Holder Organisations

This guidance provides practical recommendations for effective collaboration in all types of partnerships.

Water for Women (2021) Disability-inclusive WASH: Practice within Water for Women

This learning brief explores key lessons learnt from implementing disability-inclusive WASH projects and research across Water for Women.

UNICEF (2018) The Case for Investment in Accessible and Inclusive WASH

This technical paper highlights evidence to argue that accessible and inclusive WASH is achievable at low cost, by using universal design, community-driven change, and existing knowledge, expertise and methods.

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